
Articolul (the article)


a, an, the

Articolul nehotărât

  • în general articolul nehotărât se folosește în convorbire în situații generale, non-specifice, ne-definite
  • înaintea substantivelor la singular (o casă, un om)
  • la denumirea naționalității, prețului, vitezei, măsurii timpului profesiunii
  • câteva numnerale (a couple, a dozen, a milion, a bilion, a lot of ..., a great number of..., a great deal of ...)
  • exclamații

I bought a computer last year. (there are many computers - I'be bought one)

Regarding this, may I ask a question? (there are many questions - can I ask one?)

Is there a restaurant near here? (there are many restaurants - is there one near here?)

Satu Mare is an interesting Romanian city. (there are many interesting Romanian cities - Satu Mare is one)

I am a Romanian. (there are many Romanians - I am one of them)

Cornelia is a teacher. (there are many teachers and Cornelia is one)

What a beautifull dress!

Articolul hotărât

  • înaintea substantivelor (cunoscute de vorbitor)
  • se adaugă the când este clar la care persoană sau obiect ne referim

Can you repeat the question. (the question that you asked)

București is the capital of Romania. (there is only one capital of Romania)

We enjoyed our holiday. The place was very beautifull. (our place)

I'm going to clean the carpet tomorrow. (my carpet)